Almost all Facebook advertisers are making this one big mistake: too many campaigns, too many ad sets and too many ads. But don’t worry, our hosts are breaking down a bunch of new updates that Facebook and Instagram have rolled out over the past month.
Ralph and Molly explain two of “the Power 5” taken from a study Facebook did with its largest direct response advertisers. They also explain the customer satisfaction score, the 3 new metrics that are replacing relevance score by April 30th, how many ads a marketer should be running at one time, and how to use the Facebook split testing tool.
- “The Power5”—the 5 Facebook strategies that marketing disruptors are using to scale their ad campaigns
- Why optimizing ads for placement changes how ads perform and what dimensions to use to optimize for best placement performance
- How to use ad relevance diagnostics to improve ad performance
- How to improve customer feedback to avoid spending more on ads than you need to
May 2019 Traffic Boot Camp (Denver, CO)
Facebook Business: Build To Break
Facebook Business: How Disruptor Brands Find Growth
Facebook Split Testing & Test and Learn
Relevance Score for Facebook Ads
Customer Feedback on Facebook Ads
Episode 71: The Michigan Method: A Strategy for Scaling Ad Campaigns
Episode 145: How to Amplify Your Ecommerce Business Using Facebook Ads
Episode 146: 3 Case Studies to Grow Your Business with Facebook Ads
Episode 158: How Molly Pittman Generated 157,362 Leads from 1 Facebook Campaign
Episode 183: How Facebook’s New Campaign Budget Optimization Tool Can Get You Leads Faster (Part 1)
Episode 184: Using Facebook’s Campaign Budget Optimization Tool to Increase Social Proof (Part 2)
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