Do more good with Kasim 

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Here’s why I don’t care: there’s some dude rolling around North Scottsdale right now in a supercharged Mercedes 6000 Millennium Falcon X-Class (I don’t know cars).

He’s wearing a watch that cost more than my car and fitted shirts that cost more than my watch. He’s allowed to do that. He’s successful and he wants everyone to know it. Awesome job, pat on the back, you did it, etc.

I don’t have a Mercedes, I have a Kia. I don’t have a watch, I have a Fitbit. My selfish indulgence is in making myself feel like I’ve had some sort of impact through charitable giving. Why are we allowed to be outlandish and exuberantly showy with certain luxuries but we’re supposed to be quietly reserved with others?

Taking that a step further, in the age of social media (where we all just want to be a little bit famous), wouldn’t it make sense that being given the opportunity to share your philanthropic endeavors would inspire others to do the same? People are inherently selfish; if we allow people to be self-serving with their giving, there would be more giving!

All I’m really saying is that if Brett (I’ve named the Mercedes guy Brett) gets to lord around in his $100k car without being embarrassed, then I don’t think anything should stop me from running around and telling folks about all of the awesome stuff my wife and I do.


Board Service

I currently serve on the board of Arts InterFACE, an international non-profit with the mission of bringing arts education to children around the world.

Until 2017, I served on the board of Boys Hope Girls Hope, an Arizona non-profit organization dedicated to helping academically gifted children from financially disadvantaged backgrounds.

I’m always seeking new opportunities to serve. I’m passionate about children, education, entrepreneurialism, globalization and specific environmental causes. I don’t mind organizations with a religious bent but don’t want to serve a non-profit where religion is the focus.

If you have a board position you’re looking to fill, please email me with information. Make sure to include any expectations in terms of time and financial commitment.

Solutions 8 Gives

Through Solutions 8, my staff and I have built the “Solutions 8 Gives” program. We take financially disadvantaged entrepreneurs (we like to focus on single Moms) and provide them with free digital marketing services in an effort to help build their business.

Here’s a list of organizations that Suzanne and I support or have supported:

  • Boys Hope Girls Hope
  • Arts InterFACE
  • Be A Leader Foundation
  • Chid Help
  • Pipeline Worldwide
  • Borderline Arizon
  • Smile Train
  • Christian Children’s Fund
  • Faith’s Lodge
  • Voices for CASA Children
  • Habitat for Humanity
  • Not My Kid
  • Doctors Without Borders
  • The One Campaign
  • Invisible Children
  • Wikipedia
  • St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital
  • National Public Radio
  • Axiom Now