This Facebook Ad agency just crushed the iOS update like it didn’t even happen and got amazing results for a customer. How in the heck did they do it?
On today’s episode, co-hosts Ralph Burns and Kasim Aslam sit down to talk about Facebook advertising as part of a much larger ecosystem. Just when people were afraid Facebook ads might be dead, NOPE. (If you’re new here, Kasim owns a Google Ads agency, and Ralph owns a Facebook Ad agency.) Both co-hosts are speaking at AdWorld next month, and Ralph will be sharing three recent case studies where companies have gotten huge numbers with Facebook ads. Now they’re folding in more channels and continuing to scale. We get a sneak peek at one of the case studies in this episode. These are exciting times in the ad space.
Listen in as Ralph shares some valuable insights from a successful campaign that you can apply to your own.
- How (and why) you should be using Wicked Reports in your ad agency
- Why Ralph, the Facebook guy, is excited about Google Performance Max
- Why attribution is an impossible puzzle to solve (and why you can’t ignore it)
- What stats Kasim cares about (and why cost per lead isn’t one of them)
- AdWorld (virtual conference) May 2-3, 2022
- Tier 11
- Solutions 8
- Wicked Reports
- Perpetual Traffic Survey
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- Connect with Ralph and Kasim on Twitter
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- Learn how bots can automate your lead flow from BotBuilders
- 7 Levels of Scale workbook
- Get Roland’s book, Zero Down, FREE
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