In this video, Regina Bellows shows the results of an experiment that was bidding for 100% absolute top of the page impression share for the clients’ top-performing keyword.
This is a follow-up from this video:
🥇 Should I Rank 1st for My #1 Keyword?:
Forgot to mention: Near the end of the video when I show the “SEO Agency” ad group, the reason why it’s paused is that we recently decided to move it into its own campaign & give it its own budget. But it was active while the experiment ran.
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These results are unusual.
regina:There is no right or wrong answer to, should I rank number one for my favorite
regina:keyword, we found a few things and the client decided to stop the experiment.
regina:Only after about a month and a half or two months, instead of running
regina:it until we got five conversions.
regina:Like I recommended being the most, the most competitive, the most seen
regina:is not always the most profitable for your business, which is interesting.
regina:This is something I've suspected for a long while.
regina:This is why I always.
regina:There is no right or wrong answer to that question.
regina:You have to do an experiment.
regina:Hi Regina here at solutions eight two months ago I made a video.
regina:It was called should I rank first for my number one keyword?
regina:This was a question that kept coming up and.
regina:In that video, I was setting up an experiment talking about all the
regina:pros and cons of the experiment.
regina:So now that the experiment that I built is done, I wanted
regina:to show you guys the results.
regina:So that's why you're here with me today.
regina:I'm gonna try to make it as fast as possible.
regina:The results were pretty interesting.
regina:Not what I expected to be honest.
regina:So we're gonna dive into that in just a second.
regina:Before I go in, if you haven't seen the previous video, I will
regina:link to it in the description.
regina:So check that out.
regina:I'll just kind of sum up that video in case you don't have the time to
regina:watch both videos in that video.
regina:I talk about all the pros and cons of running an experiment.
regina:Clients are often saying, Hey, I just wanna show up first for this
regina:specific keyword, because this is the keyword that explains what we sell.
regina:And so I wanna be the first at the top of the page, absolute top.
regina:And so, I'm always like, okay, well we can test it.
regina:But depending on the cost per click and your budget, it could take many, many,
regina:many months to get a good average and to really be able to see whether it is more
regina:profitable to be at the top of the page.
regina:Obviously being at the top of the page costs more, but theoretically your
regina:cost per click should be higher and your conversion rate should be higher
regina:because your showing being the first.
regina:For your ad should get the people that are kind of more ready to buy.
regina:They're willing to click on an ad, which means, they're kind
regina:of just looking for a service.
regina:And they're typically like a more high quality lead than someone who has
regina:been perusing all the search results in Google ads, sort of maybe wanting
regina:to learn about something and then accidentally stumbles across your ad.
regina:Alar, a smaller percentage of those.
regina:Those bottom of the page searchers are gonna be actually ready and willing to buy
regina:and, willing to pay what you're selling.
regina:So alright, so let's dive in.
regina:I will show you the results of the experiment.
regina:And I just wanna preface this by saying these results are unusual.
regina:There is no right or wrong answer to, should I rank number
regina:one for my favorite keyword?
regina:The industry, the seasonality, the amount of competitors bidding on that
regina:specific keyword at that given moment.
regina:Your ad copy everything can shift the results one way or the other.
regina:And so I always just recommend running a quick experiment before
regina:you decide to make a big decision about your overall strategy.
regina:In this case, I told the client, unfortunately, because of his budget being
regina:so low and because of the cost per click in his industry, , he offers SEO services.
regina:So his cost per click is pretty high, cuz that's a high ticket item,
regina:high, highly competitive industry.
regina:So you can kind of take your budget.
regina:Divided by the cost per click and, kind of figure out how long is it gonna take
regina:you before you get, five conversions in the experiment so that you can kind
regina:of see the average cost per conversion.
regina:So it's gonna take months.
regina:I told him.
regina:So I'm gonna head over to the experiment down here on the left.
regina:It's called absolute top impression, share absolute top impression share and.
regina:For SEO agency keywords.
regina:That's what it was called.
regina:All right.
regina:So what happened was Right away.
regina:we found a few things and the client decided to stop the experiment.
regina:Only after about a month and a half or two months, instead of running it until we
regina:got five conversions, like I recommended.
regina:And it's understandable.
regina:And I'll explain why this is not a glitch.
regina:I'm interrupting , because I need to remind you that I'm always
regina:looking for people to join our team.
regina:So if you're passionate about Google ads and you wanna work with the best
regina:Google ads agency on the planet, please go to so
regina:Speaking of working with the best Google ads agency on the planet, if you're having
regina:trouble with Google ads and you want professional help, that's what we do.
regina:You can go to so that's S O L to apply for your
regina:free no obligation action plan.
regina:And if I've.
regina:Any level of value at all.
regina:Maybe think about giving me a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel.
regina:That's how we choose the YouTube algorithm.
regina:So they actually know that I know what I'm talking about.
regina:If you have questions, comments, concerns, or confessions hit
regina:me below in the comments.
regina:And now back to your regularly scheduled program.
regina:So here you can see the base versus the trial.
regina:So absolute top.
regina:So the bidding strategy was different in this one, we told it to just
regina:target top of the page for this specific keyword, no matter what.
regina:And we told it to use 40% of the budget.
regina:Now, first thing we notice is it didn't use 40% of the budget.
regina:It used about 25% of the budget, which is interesting.
regina:This is something I've suspected for a long while, because When you're paying
regina:more per click, it seems to be harder for the algorithm to do the budget pacing.
regina:We found that out.
regina:In our own, management, we have to adjust the budgets a lot throughout
regina:the month to try to spend the right amount increasing it when it
regina:falls behind, like in this case.
regina:So it struggles because, it spends its entire daily budget on one click and
regina:then it's out of money and it misses a bunch of clicks for the rest of the day.
regina:And then it has to wait until it gathers enough daily spend to get the next click.
regina:So it's just harder, more bumpy for the algorithm.
regina:So that was a little frustrating.
regina:You only spent 25% of the budget, not 40.
regina:Here was interesting.
regina:So as you can see, yeah, the cost per click is more, which we expected.
regina:That's always the case when you're trying to be absolute top of the page.
regina:And then , the click through rate was lower, which was highly unusual.
regina:I mean, usually when you're at the absolute top of the page,
regina:click through it is higher.
regina:This is why I always.
regina:There is no right or wrong answer to that question.
regina:You have to do an experiment.
regina:There could be some oddity that's different from the norm.
regina:And one metric will throw off the bottom line metric and sway
regina:it into the opposite direction.
regina:So co per click being lower.
regina:Similarly, another thing that's weird conversion rate was lower.
regina:Now, granted, this only ran for a thousand dollars, so we don't have any averages.
regina:It only got one conversion.
regina:But yeah, I mean, at the end of the day cost per conversion
regina:was significantly higher for the experiment than it was for the regular.
regina:And the client said, ah, scrap the project.
regina:Let's just keep doing what we're doing.
regina:So our original strategy of kind of letting it bid
regina:lower down on the page often.
regina:And maybe sometimes we're at the top of the page.
regina:In fact, I can go back to the main homepage and see
regina:how often we're at the top.
regina:Absolute top of the page.
regina:Search top.
regina:So we're gonna apply these columns and view
regina:Here we go.
regina:So for this campaign, we're at the top of the page 21% of the time, absolute
regina:top of the page, only 13% of the time.
regina:And if we look at Here we go.
regina:I had to show all ad groups.
regina:If we look at the SEO agency keywords, which is the one we
regina:were experimenting against.
regina:You can see that it is absolute top of the page, thir 37% of the time
regina:search, absolute top impression, share 10 only 10% of the time.
regina:And then the top of the page, which doesn't mean absolute top,
regina:but just before the organic.
regina:So somewhere in the top three or four then it's 18% of the time.
regina:So that's interesting.
regina:It's actually still at the top of the page more often that
regina:it's at the absolute top, but.
regina:Most of our impressions don't even show up before the organic search results.
regina:And yet it performs better than showing up at the top.
regina:So yeah, just interesting to see what's going on there.
regina:I mean, being.
regina:The most competitive, the most seen is not always the most
regina:profitable for your business.
regina:So thanks for watching.
regina:Don't forget to like, and subscribe.
regina:Hi everyone.
regina:Regina here at solutions eight.
regina:I wanted to talk to you guys about how to use performance
regina:max and make it work for you.
regina:Even if you are a small business working with a small budget, I'm talking under 5k.