The Facebook advertising landscape has changed — again.
Join the Perpetual Traffic crew as they give you a pro advertiser’s view on the new features you should be using and how to use them.
Plus, Keith has an exciting announcement about something he’s working on with Perry Marshall!
- Supercharge your Facebook marketing by connecting 750+ tools that can now connect to Facebook Messenger (« Listen up if you use webinar software, CRM’s, or email software).
- A simple ad objective change that helps to guarantee that your prospects are consuming a piece of pre-engagement content (« This feature has been around for about 6 months, but we’ve just figured out a profitable way to use it).
- Two new ways (Lowest Cost and Target Cost) to bid on Facebook Ads. Target Cost could be a real game-changer.
Thanks so much for joining us this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave us a review on iTunes!